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in BeautyBotulinum toxin is a neurotoxic protein
Botulinum toxin (Botox) is a neurotoxic protein produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum and related species. [1] It prevents the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine from axon endings at the neuromuscular junction and thus causes flaccid paralysis. [2] Infection with the bacterium causes the disease botulism. The toxin is also used commercially for medical and […] More
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in LifestyleDiscovering the wonder of Nordic-Japanese at Pantechnicon, Belgravia
Oh, hello. And what a Summer it’s been… What strange times we’ve all had, and are still having… I definitely still feel very much as though I’m stuck in the middle of some kind of normal and lockdown, but somehow I have acclimatised to this inbetweeny vibe more easily than I thought I would… Yesterday […] More
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in FashionFashionable Face Masks – Most stylish facemasks.
Lockdown Blues & Fashionable Facemasks It might be one week into our six-week stage 4 lockdown, but I feel like we’ve been in lockdown since March. We have to wear facemasks now! We had a few wonderful weeks to feel a little normal again and see our family and friends, but I can’t help feeling […] More
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in FashionDesigner Facemasks – Melbourne stays stylish
Melbourne is in lockdown again. Facemasks are the new norm on the street. So why not up the game a bit and create some designer facemasks. Real nice fabrics combined with an additional 2 layer cotton lining and well made – no rushed sewing or mass production in sweatshops. Quality masks – uniquely designed for […] More
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in BeautyThe rise of the AntiBeauty culture
For many years, how beauty products are marketed has defined what many consumers believe to be ideal or inspirational. Most of the time, beauty products and trends are imagined on thin, white, gendered people. Yet as a new decade suggest, what constitutes beauty is changing. It is no longer standardized. Historically trends were driven by […] More
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in BeautyVaccuSkin Blackhead and Pore Vacuum Remover
Someone should give acne the “most annoying zit ever” award already. Those pesky and persistent spots have a knack for showing up uninvited. One minute you have it all figured out, and the next you have a bump that screams_ “I am here to ruin your skin, so suck it up.” And as if that […] More