
Thriving with nature – Julia Bradbury

Julia Bradbury talks to us about how nature can lift her spirit and improve her wellbeing.

I’ve learned how important being outdoors in nature can be not only for lifting my spirits but also helping me to cope with the stresses of a busy life. It’s why I believe that ‘Thriving With Nature’ will play an important role in helping people to make the most of our natural spaces through the seasons.

Packed with inspiration and information, this guide will help you connect with nature throughout the year. From forest bathing to sharing nature with others as a volunteer, it’s a unique resource that brings activities together in a way that truly resonates with me.

Personally, I’ve relished the benefits of walking since I was a nipper and I know there’s something quite magical about being active outdoors – come rain or sunshine! Just an hour outside is good for you on so many levels – our moods, alertness and sleep patterns are all impacted by light. 

For those of you thinking “I don’t have time to get to the mountains or big rugged landscapes”, a stroll in a city park, by a canal or around your local woodland can be just as reviving. And if you work in a dense urban jungle it’s still worthwhile heading outside into the light; a single tree can inspire as much joy as a ‘Big View’. You can certainly use this guide to help you discover, season by season, what is happening outdoors. 

I feel strongly that everyone should be able to get outdoors. It’s why I’m proud to be part of this guide and to lead The Outdoor Guide and AccessTOG in promoting awareness of walking for wellbeing and access for all.  

I’m delighted to see the Mental Health Foundation and WWF come together as I believe it’s vital for all of us to spend time re-connecting with nature for our mental health and wellbeing. I really hope that ‘Thriving With Nature’ inspires you – and your friends and family – to get out and make the most of the amazing nature all around us.

Julia Bradbury, Television presenter and passionate outdoor campaigner

Photo credited to The Outdoor Guide

Thriving With Nature

WWF and the Mental Health Foundation have come together to produce a guide for you. We want you to thrive and for nature to thrive around you. We think the two are mutually supportive.

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